Multipurpose terminal Odesos PBM
Read moreBreak bulk cargo

Port Odesos PBM is handling all types of break bulk cargo. After accomplishing several investments, we are handling units with weight of up to 36 t from/to ships, wagons and trucks. The modern equipment provides high reliability of handling operations, video surveillance of the operations and safety of the working environment.
Solid bulk cargo

With recent investments, we have increased the round-the-clock handling rate for bulk cargo to 8,000 t/day. Depending on the customer's preferences, operation lines can be organized for the handling of bulk cargo with both rubber belt conveyors and grabs. Grab operation is carried out with electrohydraulic and rope grabs, the largest having a volume of 17 m3.
Bagging of fertilizers

The port has developed professional industrial conditions for the application of a dust-free technology for fertilizer bagging, whereby bulk operations are separated from the bagging process. This ensures an exceptional cleanness of the final product without any scattering and guarantees the exact weight of each unit. The bagging system also ensures electronic reporting of the exact quantity, the seal number and the packing time of each unit.